Welcome to All For Marathon, the space that has all the necessary information you will need once you decide to run a marathon or any long-distance running challenge.
In the blog section, you will find plenty of training, nutrition, hydration or mental preparation tips that will help you to become a better runner.
You may try my own half marathon and marathon training plan which was successfully execurted multiple times 🙂 or find some marathon events taking place close to you in Events section.
In running community, it is a well known fact that running is an amazing way to maintain not only your physcial but also mental health. We were born to run and it has amazing effect on us.
As a person struggling with anxiety disorder and panic attacks, I have discovered that running has extremely positive effects on my condition and therefore the quality of my life.
In the mental health blog section, you may find some tips and tricks that have worked for me splendidly. If you are interested about my personal story, continue reading below.